discover location




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1·From there, you can share your location with friends, find out where your friends are (if they're using places), and discover new places near you.
2·In the start method, use the Eclipse API to dynamically discover the location of the file the JADTTextDriver needs for its data store.
在start方法中使用Eclipse API动态发现JADTTextDriver所需数据存储文件的位置。
3·Like Foursquare, Gowalla lets you "check in" to real-world places using your smart phone, and the site plots your location on a map for friends to discover.
像Fours quare一样,你可用智能手机登陆Gowalla的真实世界。然后这个网站会在地图上标出你的位置,这样你的好友就可以知道你在哪。
4·For some entrepreneurs location is everything, while others might be intrigued to discover areas of activity in countries or cities they didn't expect.
5·While the location didn't seem to matter, we did discover the visual presentation was important.
6·It is changing location constantly, it is very difficult to discover it.
7·“Easy,” Annabel smiled. “It simply means ‘find the mean and discover the location of the key.’”
8·“Easy, “Annabel smiled. “It simply means find the mean and discover the location of the key.”
“这不简单呀,” 安娜贝尔 笑着说,“它的意思就是理解其‘含义’,然后才能找到钥匙的位置。”
9·A location based system could discover that two people always take the same route at the same time and it could organize to put them together in one car.
10·In this fairytale city's most desirable location - at the edge of the Vltava River, steps from the Charles Bridge - discover a remarkably quiet enclave, immersed in vibrant Old Town.
更新时间:2025-03-26 06:28